Kimberly Vest

Kimberly Vest


Kimberly has been practicing, studying and teaching yoga for the past 35 years. A Salem, VA native, she lived in Seattle, WA for many years where she owned her own yoga studio. Kimberly teaches many different styles of yoga with her foundational training rooted in the Integral Yoga tradition, and she is a direct student of Sri Swami Satchidananda.

While living in Seattle, Kimberly trained and studied in the Viniyoga tradition. This approach to yoga evolved out of the teachings transmitted by T. Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar of Madras, India. Vini means to adapt and through this training she became very skillful at adapting classes to the needs of her students. After returning to Virginia, Kimberly began teaching at Uttara and has continued to study and grow. She completed a nine-month yoga immersion in Anusara yoga, as well as trainings in Hanna Somatics and Yin Yoga. Most recently, Kimberly completed her 500-hour training and is E-RYT 500 through Yoga Alliance. These trainings continue to expand her understanding of the energetic and spiritual nature of the practice of yoga, as well as expand her ability to serve her broad range of students throughout the Roanoke Valley. Kimberly travelled to India in 2017 and 2019 so that she could cultivate a deeper understanding of the origins of yoga philosophy and the teachings that she makes a part of her daily practices.

Kimberly’s classes promote a gentle, thorough asana (pose) practice that integrates all aspects of yoga to connect the body, mind and spirit through the integration of pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and relaxation. She honors the tradition of yoga, and yet understands the Western lifestyle with its fast and busy pace, and the stresses caused by living in this chaotic world. Her loving kindness and graciousness of spirit are the reflections of a yogic lifestyle, which she embraces every day.

In recent years, Kimberly had become obsessed with all things related to vibration and sound with a particular infinity towards crystal bowls, Himalayan singing bowls and gongs! She leads several sound savasana (relaxation) classes monthly and also offers private sound healing sessions. In her spare time, she loves to dance and started a YogaDance class in the Fall of 2018. She is deeply in love with her husband, Matt and their dog, Sumi and they live a healthy urban lifestyle working in their gardens, walking on the greenway and enjoying their diverse community of human beings in the vibrant city of Roanoke.

Kimberly Vest's upcoming classes