Harrilyn Mills

Harrilyn Mills

Harrilyn Mills started her yoga journey at Uttara in 2009. From her very first yoga class to now, she continues to be uplifted by the soul-warming light of the teachers and students that pass through the studio doors. Harrilyn completed her yoga teacher training in 2014 at Uttara and has since received certifications in restorative yoga, yin yoga, somatic yoga, and meditation. The biggest lessons, however, still come from her own mat. In her classes, she seeks to create a space where students are invited to be fully present in their body, mind, and breath, learning their own lessons in the same way. For Harrilyn, yoga creates a sacred silence, a coming home, where all can begin to understand themselves and can choose to participate in a loving way in their own growth. And, very importantly, doing it with a light heart and a healthy dose of humor.

Harrilyn Mills's upcoming classes